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5 Ways Motion Graphics Can Enhance Your Video

5 ways motion graphics can enhance your video

If you love video like we do, chances are, you can appreciate how important motion graphics can be. Before we go into why, what are motion graphics exactly?

Essentially, they are pieces of digital footage or animated text used within multimedia projects that can help covey your key messages and help tell your story.

Even if you haven’t realised it, you’ve seen plenty of examples of motion graphics on TV, in commercials, in movies and so on. Think of it this way: if we’re talking about a visual medium, there’s a high chance motion graphics are involved somehow.

When used appropriately, motion graphics can enhance your video. We know we bring this up all the time but quality is really the key here. Things can get pretty messy very quickly if you’re an amateur and trying to incorporate these kind of graphics into your video.

Back to the positives! Our team has put together a list of 5 ways that motion graphics can really enhance a video:

1. Clarity and communication

It’s not uncommon for a video to attempt to explain a number of complex ideas within a 3 to 5 minute timeframe. The clever use of animation as well as animated text and visuals can help audiences to understand what they need to.

2. Audience engagement

Consumer consumption and behaviour continues to change rapidly. Different messages are constantly being thrown our way everywhere we look – online, on TV, at the movies… motion graphics can help to cut through this noise. Powerful text animations or graphics that enhance your video will attract your ideal client’s attention and keep them engaged for longer. And of course, leave them with a great impression about your business, product or service.

3. Supporting the message at the heart of the piece

These days, it’s getting harder and harder to wow people. Innovation is at the heart of so many different companies and industries – it’s a game changer as businesses seek to do things both differently and better. Quality motion graphics help to position your company as an industry leader and back up the contention that you’re constantly seeking to innovate.

4. They can act as the perfect alternative

There are times when live action videos just aren’t possible. With the work we do, we often find that it’s hard to get key players in a particular business together at the same time for a shoot. When live action videos can’t happen for whatever reason, motion graphics can step in and convey just as good a message (if not, better).

5. Help to differentiate your brand

Anyone who’s remotely interested in the marketing space knows that the popularity of video is rising. For most businesses, putting their hat in the video ring is no longer an option. They need to move with the times and cater for how their customers want to consume content. This also means that everyone is getting into video, creating more noise than ever before. You’ll see a lot of videos where people are just speaking to the camera for 3 or more minutes… this video style has its place but it tends to get boring very quickly. Motion graphics can be used to change your video up and help your ideal clients to remember your brand once the video has ended.

Having been in the industry for almost two decades now, it has been incredibly exciting to part of the evolution of motion graphics within our industry. We can only imagine what it will be possible to create in another 20 years!

If you’re keen to investigate how video can tie seamlessly into your existing Marketing Strategy, be sure to contact us. We’re very passionate about helping businesses who are new to video, while also being committed to those who have experience up their sleeve.